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May 2020:

Sam is not the lead, he reached the 150 tournament limit for acheiving IRPs.    Gary Brandt has taken over for now, anything can happen between now and the end of the season.

Reminder if you lapse and then become active again, drop us a line to assist in us catching up your IRP's.  The rules also changed on how far back we will go for lapsed to active for IRP's.

Contact me directly when you have disputes about the information posted.  John Schafer (

This is the last change before submitting to Cribbage World.  Also I made corrections (adding ACC numbers) to the results in the database, I will not be reposting them on the web pages.

Life eMasters - One Star
No member reached 10,000 IRPs in May.

Life eMasters
No member reached 6,000 IRPs in May.

New Grand eMasters
No member reached 4,000 IRP in May.

New eMasters
No member) r
eached 2,000 IRPs in May.

Player of the Month - May
With a total of 208 IRP's in May 2020 the Player of the Month is: Richard May (rcmay5).


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December 2019 news

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March 2020 news

April 2020 news

ACC Internet Tournament Winners
Click here to go to the winners page

Top 10%

Rank Name ScreenName Tournaments Total IRPs
1 Gary Brandt Eaglear39 157 828
2 Sam Sinram IA503 170 820
3 Mel Ashley Mellifluousone 153 814
4 Sue Edwards CO434Sue 140 733
5 William MacMillan WY00191L 135 718
6 Mike Fetchel mfetchCT425 104 711
7 Tom Langford yanknshank29 118 707
8 Pat Liegl patco1950 129 690
9 Peter Legendre legend397 143 680
10 Richard Shea thirtyonefor14 130 627
11 Daniel Crete dec0194 126 620
12 Nancy R. Roncetti nunzia 133 576
13 Scott A. Milo Sgt_Pegger 87 553
14 Mike Rosenstock sirpegger 137 545
15 Jim Correa EvenSteven 119 536
16 John Schafer netview85 115 534
17 Don Grumpy Howard GrumpyDopey7 145 495
18 Jim Gear Gearar7 128 477
19 Kelly Ann Burgar lilthummper_ 115 469
20 Meg Maenpaa megaclarinets 119 465
21 Barry W. Spadea spade660 98 459
22 Gerald Carthy kareofaz1998 123 428