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This Month's News!

Sep 2022: Terry Higgins (terryhi/chainlink1) is the new leader, taking it away from Nancy.  Lots of season to go.

Please check your information carefully and let me (John Schafer, know immediately if there are mistakes.

Please note that if 
your ACC membership dues are not paid up, your name will not appear in the monthly standings because you can't earn IRP during the month(s) that your membership is lapsed.  You must pay your dues AND re-register your screen name here to have your IRP's reactivated:  The statistician does not go backwards into previous months that didn't count. Please read more details regarding player re-certification (section 3 a.) here:


Point Leader of the Month
With a total of 257 IRP's in Sep 2023 the Point Leader of the Month is: Terry Higgins (terryhi/chainlink1).


Life eMasters - One Star
Nancy R. Roncetti (nunzia) reached 10,000 IRPs

Life eMaster
No member reached 6,000 IRPs

Grand eMasters
Marilyn Gaudreau (mohini) reached 4,000 IRPs

Bob Bartosh (acc_bob/Accbob) reached 4,000 IRPs

Ron Melrose (rpmrpm) reached 2,000 IRPs


Top 10%

This chart is updated around the first of each month, not after each tournament.

Please note that the maximum number of tournies to earn IRP's is 150 per season, but the

program keeps track of how many tournaments each player actually checks in to play, even

though the IRP's stop being added in. 

Rank Player GC_Screen_Name eCribbage_Screen_Name Tournaments IRPs
1 Terry Higgins terryhi chainlink1 37 368
2 Nancy Rojas nancribdr nancribdr 30 332
3 Tammy Gibbons MoC360 MistressofCribbage 25 220
4 Kelly Ann Burgar lilthummper_ lilthummper 42 215
5 Daniel Crete dec0194 dec 22 214
6 Richard May rcmay5 rcmay5 29 212
7 Carl McCullum absentsqingshao absent 30 210
8 Bob Hanes ia801 ia801 31 205
9 Sam Sinram IA503 IA503 29 201
10 Sue Edwards CO434Sue CO434Sue 26 198
11 Jennifer Bolles Jebbbifer Jebbbifer 35 197
12 Jerry Griffin Meatloaf627 Meatloaf627 34 197
13 Bernard Kitheka Wanzelu Wanzelu 28 191
14 Gregory Gougian gougie00 gougie00 25 189
15 Jacob Then AdmiralJT Admiral 27 187
Please contact John Schafer if you have a dispute about Internet Rating Points.

Aug 2023 news

Jul 2023 news